Resources to support you
Health and general advice:
Citizens Advice Lewisham (CAL): provides a range of general advice services,
call 0800 231 5453 (Mon to Fri, 9:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 4:00pm)
Free Your Mind: NHS mental health advice and/or referral to talking therapies.
Positive Ageing Council: Organisation for over-60s.
Wellbeing (exercise, mental health):
therapy4healing: offer affordable Massage, Body Stretch, Reflexology, Counselling, Mentoring, Meditation workshops, Laughter workshops, Arts & crafts, Dance & Movement and group activities.
Stay in, Work Out: Tips and advice on exercise at home
Take Part at Home through Trinity Laban. Offers a wealth of music and dance
resources and activities to explore
Mind: Advice on managing stress and self-isolation
Community Connections Lewisham: Mental health drop-ins, telephone befriending, transport, and connection to groups, activities and services in the community.
Tel: 0330 058 3464; communityconnections@ageuklands.org.uk
Practical support (shopping, digital, errands):
Lewisham Local: Best first stop for advice and support
Community Connections Lewisham: Connects you with groups, activities and services in your local community, including befriending, transport and mental health Tel: 0330 058 3464;communityconnections@ageuklands.org.uk
Thames Water: payment support and FREE priority services for extra assistance
Computer/ Internet/ IT assistance: Catbytes CIC. Contact Damian, 07939 288 079; damian@catbytes.community
Green Doctors: FREE energy advice as we're all at home, using more energy. Phone, 08001691779
Benefits and housing advice and services: Bench Outreach, email admin@benchoutreach.com, or phone on  07586544206 Monday-Friday,
Arts and community:
**(pictured right) Golden Pavilion (Kyoto, Japan), oil, by AWiL member and volunteer, Philip Crump
Lewisham Library Service: A free home library delivery service to residents who are disabled, ill, older or a carer. Contact: 020 8314 6254/020 8314 8642; libraries@lewisham.gov.uk ​
Local Small Business Directory: support small independent businesses
Lewisham Wellbeing Map: This interactive map shows where services are available
